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BrickLink: VIP-Punkte, BrickLink XP & Designer-Programm


Ende Januar hat Julia Goldin, PR-Chefin der LEGO Gruppe, bei BrickLink eine Charme-Offensive gestartet und die Mitglieder der Plattform aufgerufen, ihr Fragen zu stellen. Die Antworten sind seit gestern Abend auch online auf der Seite nachzulesen – und ich muss sagen, die eine oder andere Frage bzw. Antwort ist durchaus interessant.

Anbei einige ausgewählte Punkte aus der Fragerunde, die uns am Interessantesten erscheinen:

Will the LEGO Group start providing set inventories and images at product launch to reduce workload of volunteers who currently have to manually inventory the parts in each set?
Yes we are already in dialog with BrickLink around how to best and most seamlessly share relevant data.

Will you be merging Pick a brick / Bricks & Pieces into BrickLink, or integrating either of these two as a ‘seller’ into BrickLink? If yes, how will you ensure the completely independent pricing/market mechanisms will still be working properly?
We believe that there is room for both Pick a Brick and BrickLink and we do not intend to establish a Pick a Brick within the BrickLink marketplace. It’s not about competing in the BrickLink marketplace, but understanding how we can service it better.

Will the LEGO Group start advertising BrickLink on their website, in their catalogues and stores, and generally on the internet?
Great question. You are unlikely to see any cross-promotion or advertising on platforms straight away, but it’s something I know the BrickLink and the LEGO Group teams will look at as we create plans for the future.

What initiatives is the LEGO Group taking to address sale of counterfeit items (particularly Minifigures) sold on platforms like Ebay? Since such items can make their way onto BrickLink, impacting buyer confidence and sellers of genuine products.
We are working hard on this and have a global team dedicated to identifying and removing copy cat products. Last year alone the number of enforcements on internet market places exceeded 100,000 globally. It’s an ongoing issue and I want to reassure those of you who sell authentic LEGO elements and sets that we’re on it!

What are your plans for the AFOL Designer Program?
We have not yet decided whether to run the AFOL Designer Program in 2020, but will soon be coming back to this one – thank you 🙂

Will the LEGO VIP points system be rolled out on BrickLink orders as well? Will LEGO discounts be applicable to orders on BrickLink? Will buyers be able to earn VIP points on purchases?
Thank you for identifying this opportunity. It’s very relevant, as you point out, to think about synergies between LEGO services and the BrickLink platform. We will be investigating all such opportunities as part of developing the future plans for BrickLink. We will bring your suggestions into the work. Thanks for sharing!

How will BrickLink interact, or be integrated with S@H? Since there is a large amount of overlap between the two sites, as to parts being offered, etc.
We will keep the two platforms completely separate. While there are similarities between the two platforms, their roles, audience, and ownership models are different and complementary. We consider BrickLink as a community-driven marketplace that fuels creativity especially among AFOLs, while S@H is an official online store for all LEGO shoppers.

Will the BrickLink team continue to support BrickLink XP (mobile version) and a more Amazon like experience? This includes a more robust ability and updated website that will allow BrickLink to be found on common Google searches for parts and/or sets.
Yes! We’re excited to announce that we’re currently working on BrickLink XP, a mobile-friendly version of the site. The plan is to begin usability tests in the near future in Q2 2020.  Stay tuned for more details on the release date and news about usability testing.  

Insgesamt hat Julia Goldin und ihr Team 36 Fragen von BrickLink Mitgliedern beantwortet. Die weiteren Fragen und Antworten findet ihr hier.

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4 Antworten

  1. Heißt es Golin oder Goldin? Lese beides im Beitrag!

    Ansonsten echt interessant, habe mir erst hier die gekürzte Fassung angesehen und nachdem Kommentar, schaue ich mir mal alles an! 🙂

  2. Wow….. Zugegeben mein Englisch, vor allem mein Business Englisch, ist nicht so gut. Aber was ich lese ist der typische Marketing Schwachsinn den ich jeden beschissen Tag von meinen Chefs höre…. Viel reden und absolut nichts!!!! Sagen.
    Die gute Dame erzählt das was viele hören wollen ohne konkrete Antworten.
    Die Sätze fangen mit
    “Wir sind im Dialog”
    “Wir glauben es ist Platz”
    “Gute Frage”
    “Wir arbeiten hart”
    Komme euch das bekannt vor? In wirklich jedem großen Unternehmen wir genau so geredet. Warum? Weil die so genannten “Manager” alle auf der selben Schule waren und alle den gleichen Inhaltlosen scheiß reden….
    Ihr werdet sehen, in zwei Jahren ist die Seite sowas von tot oder nicht mehr wiederzuerkennen.

    Viele Grüße


Das könnte dich auch interessieren

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