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Greenpeace triumphiert, LEGO knickt ein und beendet Partnerschaft mit Shell


Wer hätte das gedacht … Wie die britische Tageszeitung The Guardian in der heutigen Ausgabe berichtet, gibt LEGO dem anhaltenden Druck durch Greenpeace überraschend nach und lässt seinen bestehenden Kooperationsvertrag mit dem Ölriesen Shell auslaufen. Einen genauen Zeitpunkt, wann dies der Fall sein wird, nennt der Bericht aber nicht – nur dass es sich hierbei um eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit zwischen LEGO und Shell handelt. Dies bestätigt auch LEGO CEO Jørgen Vig Knudstorp in einem Statement auf der Unternehmens-Webseite.

Comment on Greenpeace campaign and the LEGO® brand
Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, CEO of the LEGO Group, comments on the Greenpeace campaign using the LEGO® brand to target Shell.

Children are our major concern and the central focus of our company. We are determined to leave a positive impact on society and the planet that children will inherit. Our unique contribution is through inspiring and developing children by delivering creative play experiences all over the world.

A co-promotion like the one with Shell is one of many ways we are able to bring LEGO bricks into the hands of more children and deliver on our promise of creative play.

The Greenpeace campaign uses the LEGO brand to target Shell. As we have stated before, we firmly believe Greenpeace ought to have a direct conversation with Shell.The LEGO brand, and everyone who enjoys creative play, should never have become part of Greenpeace’s dispute with Shell.

Our stakeholders have high expectations to the way we operate. So do we. We do not agree with the tactics used by Greenpeace that may have created misunderstandings among our stakeholders about the way we operate; and we want to ensure that our attention is not diverted from our commitment to delivering creative and inspiring play experiences.

The long-term co-promotion contract we entered with Shell in 2011 delivers on the objective of bringing LEGO bricks into the hands of many children, and we will honour it – as we would with any contract we enter.

We continuously consider many different ways of how to deliver on our promise of bringing creative play to more children. We want to clarify that as things currently stand we will not renew the co-promotion contract with Shell when the present contract ends.

We do not want to be part of Greenpeace’s campaign and we will not comment any further on the campaign. We will continue to deliver creative and inspiring LEGO play experiences to children all over the world.

Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, President and Chief Executive Officer of the LEGO Group.

Greenpeace triumphiert

Und die Umweltschützer triumphieren mal wieder. Hier ein paar Beispiele:

Die aktuelle Kooperation zwischen LEGO® und Shell läuft meinen Informationen zufolge unverändert weiter.

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