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LEGO Worlds bekommt erstes umfangreiches Inhalte-Update


Anfang Juni ist LEGO® Worlds an den Start gegangen und erfreut sich seit dem zunehmender Beliebtheit. Neben Berichten von den ersten Touren und Erfolgen in der virtuellen LEGO® Welt gibt es bei YouTube bereits zahlreiche Gameplay-Videos, die Interessierten einen ersten Eindruck bieten. Knapp zwei Wochen nach dem Start von LEGO® Worlds haben die Entwickler von TT Games nun das erste umfangreiche Inhalte-Update angekündigt, welches nicht nur zahlreiche Wünsche von Spielern aufgreift, sondern auch bekannte Programmfehler ausräumen soll wie beispielsweise die Unterstützung von Dual-Monitor-Systemen. Auch neue Charaktere, Fahrzeuge und Tiere sollen nach dem Update zur Verfügung stehen.

Announcement: Content Update 1 Plans

Hi everyone!

We’d like to share with you some of the details of the first main update for LEGO Worlds.

The major new feature we’re excited to share lets you take your adventures underground … so look for an opening and explore the naturally occurring cave networks looking for more treasures and dangers.

Next, we are adding some fun new characters, creatures, vehicles and props ready to discover in your worlds, though it’s up to you to find them!

We’ll also be introducing several Community-requested changes based on the mammoth Feedback thread found on the main discussions page, including;

* Windowed mode.
* Quit to Windows in game.
* Interior props.
* Y-Axis invert for camera look.

Additionally, we hope to resolve several technical issues;

* 32Bit OS random crashes.
* Overall Performance Issues.
* Dual Monitor Launch issues.
* Unable to launch with Parental Controls active on any setting.

Don’t worry if this update doesn’t take care of every problem you have with the game – it doesn’t mean it’s not important. We read all the comments and are making plans to resolve issues in a balanced way as well as improving the core systems and developing new ones, but this all takes time. We hope to share more details of where things are up to, and we know you’ll be letting us know what you want to know, you know?

Please also note, that in order to better support backwards compatibility moving forwards and further reduce the risk of requiring worlds to be wiped we have made tweaks to save games. This may result in slightly longer than usual load times when re-entering existing worlds for the first time after updating.

Our first title update should drop at the end of June.

Many have asked what our schedule is planned to be over the course of development. Our intentions are to roll out at least one large content update every month, and will look to address bugs on a rolling timeframe as they are needed.

We want to thank you all for your support with LEGO Worlds during it’s first few weeks, and we have been overjoyed with the outpouring of positive feedback we’ve received from the community.

Many Thanks,

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