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LEGO Creator Winter Village Station (10259) ab 14.09. im VIP-Vorverkauf


Der dänische Spielwarenhersteller hat soeben die Details zur LEGO Creator Expert Winter Village Station (10259) veröffentlicht. Demnach beinhaltet das Set 902 Teile (darunter auch fünf Minifiguren) und wird in Deutschland 69,99 Euro kosten. Inhaber einer LEGO VIP-Kundenkarte können den winterlichen Bahnhof bereits ab dem 14. September 2017 kaufen. Regulär erscheint das LEGO Creator Expert Set am 1. Oktober.

LEGO Creator Winter Village Station (10259) ab 14.09. im VIP-Vorverkauf

Offizielle Set-Beschreibung

Head home for the holidays with the Winter Village Station!

Head for home with the festive Winter Village Station holiday set, featuring a snowy railroad station with wreath adorned lampposts and clock tower, platform, mailbox, green trees, snowy grade crossing with twin barriers and lights, and a beautiful, festively decorated bus with opening doors and a luggage rack with removable luggage and gift wrapped packages. This LEGO® Creator Expert model also includes a ticket counter with a timetable and a transaction counter window with room for sliding out tickets to travelers, plus a coffee shop with a serving hatch and a detailed interior with an espresso machine, cups, cash register and a menu. Includes 5 minifigures.
• Includes 5 minifigures: a bus driver, barista, grandmother, child and a ticket agent.
• The festively adorned Winter Village Station features a snowy train station with a clock tower, platform, coffee shop, ticket counter, grade crossing with twin barriers and lights, lampposts, mailbox and green trees, plus a bus.
• Ticket counter features a timetable and a transaction counter window with room for sliding out tickets.
• Coffee shop features a serving hatch and a detailed interior with espresso machine, cups, cash register and a menu.
• Bus features festive decoration, opening doors, luggage rack with removable luggage and gift wrapped packages, and a removable roof for accessing the detailed interior.
• Drive the happy passengers to the station.
• Raise the barriers to cross the track.
• Grab a newspaper and relax with a warm espresso from the cozy coffee shop.
• Man the ticket booth, serve the travelers and slide the tickets under the serving window.
• Gather the family for some festive LEGO® building!
• Accessories elements include buildable wreaths and wrapped gifts, plus 2 mugs, ticket, newspaper and an envelope.
• Special elements include new 1×1 round plate with horizontal shaft, 4×6 roof element in dark blue, gray microphone element, printed ticket element and shield elements with printed clock-faces.
• Includes 4 straight track pieces to connect with the LEGO® Creator Expert 10254 Winter Holiday Train.
• Winter Village Station measures over 7” (19cm) high, 11” (28cm) wide and 5” (14cm) deep.
• Grade Crossing when closed measures over 2” (6cm) high, 5” (13cm) wide and 5” (14cm) deep.
• Bus measures over 3” (9cm) high, 5” (15cm) long and 2” (7cm) wide.

LEGO Creator Winter Village Station (10259) ab 14.09. im VIP-Vorverkauf

LEGO Creator Winter Village Station (10259) ab 14.09. im VIP-Vorverkauf

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