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Goodbye LEGO® Fan Weekend, Hello Skærbæk Fan Weekend 2015


In 2014 the LEGO® Fan Weekend came to its end. But finally it continues under a new name und without the sponsoring of the LEGO® CEE Team. Please say hello to brand new Skærbæk Fan Weekend, which takes place from 25th to 27th September 2015 in Skærbæk Kursus-Fritidscenter at Skærbæk, Southern Jutland, Denmark.

In 2014 the LEGO® Fan Weekend came to its end.

Now dear Ladies and Gentleman,
please give a warm welcome to the brand new Skærbæk Fan Weekend!

September 25th to 27th, 2015 at the famous place where it always has taken place:
Skærbæk Kursus-Fritidscenter, Skærbæk, Southern Jutland, Denmark, Earth!

We are happy to announce that the new steering team supported by the Skærbæk Kursus- og Fritidscenter will keep the spirit and organize the follow up event in the future.

Maybe the time was right to make a change and so we decided to try to keep everything as it was. The purpose will still be to provide a proper space for AFOLs from all over the world to meet, network and share their passion to the brick. And of course all the existing place will be used to display as much of the fantastic mocs, as possible to the other AFOLs. And yes, during Saturday and Sunday visitors will still be allowed to join the exhibition, too. We are trying to make it a smooth event as it was in the past.

But of course there will be a dark side, too. The LEGO® Community Engagement and Event Team sponsored the event in the past and taken over the bill for several items (again a big thank you for that). The Saturday evening event dinner has now to be paid by the participants themselves, but we don’t expect this is gonna stop the AFOLs to attend this brilliant party.

Reservation for the discounted cottages and the payment for all the meals, including the event dinner will be organized by the Skærbæk Kursus-Fritidscenter. The Reservation of the cottages/event dinner can be done starting the 1st of December. Please note that the number of cottages and participants for the event dinner is limited! The Registration for the participants will start in April next year. Registration is mandatory for all participants, even if no models will be displayed. This process might actually be a bit bumpy, but we promise to improve it in the future.

Keep an eye on this site and make sure not to miss additional informations.

Skærbæk, the place where nationalities disappear and all languages become one: the language of the BRICK!

-SFW steering team-

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