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Exclusive: Interview with Lennart Cort, the Designer of LEGO® Billund Airport (4000016)


For the first time, I’ve heard about a new exclusive LEGO® Architecture styled set about Billund Airport a few weeks ago. Since then, I’ve asked several of my LEGO® sources about this awesome build, but without any luck. I got no details. Just answers like this: “yes, there will be something”. So I kept searching the web and a few days ago I found some pictures on flickR – and met Lennart Cort, the Designer of LEGO® Billund Airport (4000016) himself. We talked to each other via e-mail and I am very glad, that Lennart said yes to my interview request. So let’s go!!

[av_iconlist position=’left’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” color=” custom_bg=” custom_font=” custom_border=”]
[av_iconlist_item title=’Hello Lennart, could you please introduce yourself?’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
I’m 26 years old, living with my girlfriend and dog in a small danish town called Give (15km from Billund). I work as a salesman in the LEGO® shop at Billund Airport and I’m a AFOL since 2009. I am also quite interested in airplanes especially fighter jets – so building aircrafts is what I love most.
[av_iconlist_item title=’In your flickr profile I found a short description of how your MOC of Billund Airport becomes an official LEGO set. What is the story behind?’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
For about one year ago I built my mini model of Billund Airport. Then I heard the management would like to have their own official LEGO® Billund Airport set. So that’s why I decided to build the model, to show how I thought it could look like. It was really nothing special and it was very easy for me build. I showed my model to my manager. She quickly showed the model to the top management and within hours the Billund Airport CEO sent pictures of it to LEGO’s CEO Jørgen Vig Knudstorp. That was indeed very cool for me. A year passed und now it’s an official set. A great experience and I’m very pleased that they haven’t changed it much from my design. I definitely have been in the right place at the right time.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Are you still working at the LEGO® Shop? After release, are customers allowed to ask you for signing their copy?’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Yes, I still work in my little LEGO® shop and I really enjoy my job. There is nothing I would rather sell than LEGO®. By the way, I don’t work for the LEGO® Group, I work for the Billund Airport. After release of the set, I’m willing to sign their copies of course , if people are interested.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Is this your first official LEGO® set? Did you show your MOCs before, maybe on LEGO® Ideas, LEGO® events, …?’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Yes, this is my first official set. I added the model to LEGO® Ideas before I knew, it would be an official set. I have actually never visited a LEGO® convention, so any of my models haven’t been displayed in that way. But at the moment, my F-16 is displayed at Danish Air Museum and my Eurofighter is at the Eurofighter office in Copenhagen.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Back to the official LEGO® Billund Airport set. How many pieces are included and when the set will be available? How much is it?’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
The set has 281 pieces in total and will be in the store probably at the beginning of December. The price will be 54 euros (399,95 dkr/68 US-Dollars) . The price is quite high because Billund Airport want to keep this set as exclusive as possible. Please mention, only 10.000 sets will be produced. That’s really rare.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Where will the set be available? Is it exclusive to the LEGO® Shop in the departure hall of the airport – available only for flight guests?’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Yes, it will available at Billund Airport’s LEGO® shop in the departure hall only. That means you have to leave Billund by plane to be able to buy it. There will probably be one or two set limitations per passenger.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Lennart, what a great story. The set looks really awesome. Thank you very much for the interview!’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’][/av_iconlist_item]

Did you mention the picture above? This photo was taken at a special event at Billund Airport. LEGO® owner Kjeld Krik Kristiansen and Billund Airport CEO Kjeld Zacho Jørgensen handed one of the first LEGO® Billund Airport (400016) sets over to Lennart Cort.

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